Review of “Blood for Karen”

I recently got a subscription to Amazon’s Kindle Unlimited. If you don’t know, it’s a service that allows you to pay a monthly fee and have access to tons of content through Amazon. I thought I’d start my subscription with some romance books because that is one of my favorite genres. After browsing through the most ridiculous titles and book covers imaginable (werewolves, vampires, bears) I finally came across “Blood for Karen” by Frederick S. Blackmon.

I’ve read some of his work before, mostly science fiction so I was surprised to see his name pop up in the romance section. The cover was simple and elegant. In fact, the writing style was also simple and elegant. The author created a world in which a fascist regime known as the Partizan Empire took control of an old town called Meridian. There are some parallels to ancient Rome and the Nazis, but the author doesn’t make the comparison so obvious.

The story follows a young man named Jason who is desperately trying to prove his love to a girl named Karen. I really liked the Karen character. She’s fierce, yet feminine. And for a man to write women so well is a great accomplishment in of itself. I don’t want to give away the main plot points, but the story is compelling and interesting through and through. Jason constantly has to do more dangerous things to prove his love to Karen. Finally, she bends to his indomitable goodwill and falls in love with him. Yet, all is not roses and love scenes. There is still a rebellion going on and this could just as easily be a drama instead of a romance. It’s quite simply an elegant and rather eloquent book.

You can find “Blood for Karen” on Amazon and find the author, Frederick S. Blackmon on Twitter and Facebook.

  • Jessica Trueman

brk ebook cover


Now, that’s certainly an interesting way to start a book. Could you imagine cracking open a chunky novel and the first thing you read is “The story so far”.

A friend of mine showed me this picture and honestly, I don’t know if its just a wind up or someone having a laugh, but I thought that was a fast track to literary disaster.

What do you think? Would you read a book that began with such drivel? Or is it really genius and I’m daft?

Book Fairies in Central London

So, one of my new favorite authors Frederick S. Blackmon got picked by #ibelieveinbookfairies. They tucked away some hidden copies of his new science fiction book “Serandes: Corporation City” all around Central London. I think that is a really cool idea for this city because people in London love to read….on the tube….waiting for a bus…or just whenever. So, kudos to the Book Fairies. I knew you were out there all along.

Check out the video:

Book Fairies in Central London


Always Reading


Ever since I can remember, I was always reading. I used to read the childrens’ books until I was way older. I just liked the simplicity of them. I would read lots of Roald Dahl – James and the Giant Peach and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory were favorites of mine.

Finally, people started trying to tell me what to read. “Get serious. Read the classics of literature…Austen and Dickens and such.” I started working at a book store when I was a teenager and would just pick a book. Read it and repeat that process until I had read well over a hundred books.

I realized it’s not important what you read….just that you read. Find something…anything…and let your imagination soar.